I started the end of summer with my niece Madison's baptism.

After a day of visiting with family, I was exhausted. But I remembered that Mondays are supposed to be weigh in days.
So I got on WiiFit this morning, to find that I had gained 1.1lbs! What? I know I haven't been exercising as regularly as I should, but I usually stay the same weight. I am having my monthly visitor right now, so that could account for bloating/ water weight, but I shouldn't make excuses. I just really need to crack down on this and make myself get into a routine. (I spent 35 mins on WiiFit this morning, but that probably won't happen everyday).
One goal I have made for myself is to drink more water. My sister can go through 2 or 3 large bottles of water everyday while I barely drink one glass with dinner. I am just never really thirsty. So I decided to drink one bottle of water every day.

One good thing that I found out today is my waist measurement. According to some expert on the Today show this morning, a woman's waist should be less than 35 inches (my mom told me 30, but lets just go with what the 'expert' said, ok?) and mine is 33.5. So that's one bright spot to the otherwise sad weight news of the week.
on the other hand, check out my little fatty:

Yup, down 1.3 lbs! I guess Adam's friends really gave him the workout playing with him all day Saturday. But, oh, to just eat, sleep, and attack a little mouse... life must be good.

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