Liz came over to help put it together, and when we lifted the box spring off the frame I found out that Grover had been a little kleptomaniac- stealing socks, markers, and trash:

So after assembling the pieces for our new bed, plus drilling some different holes because the screw holes didn't line up quite right for the support bar, we had a new, TALL, bed:

It matches our furniture perfectly, it was even made in the same country as our dressers which I thought was funny. And since we went to the trouble to clean out the room to put the bed together, I thought I would try a new layout for the bed. I shifted it to the other window and moved Adam's dresser to the other wall in the same corner. But now that leaves the wall next to the closet looking very bare...

It's almost a mirror image of itself.
Oh and the light came today. I am attempting to put the pieces together so Adam can hang it and hook up the electrical parts.

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