So I asked Adam (again) when I could
buy a new bed. Our metal frame is about to collapse, any day now, I'm convinced of it. So He said he already told me I could order one when I found one. I showed him again the one I liked from Overstock, and while I was on the website, I just happened to show him the
lights I had been looking at. So we agreed on the bed, and compromised on the light, and this is what I will be ordering (With free shipping!)
Overstock, $121. I liked the White one with the crystal ball center pole, Adam didn't mind it but wanted a black shade, and one that was a couple inches smaller (the white one was 17", this is 15"). We'll see if the crystals are attached or not, and then determine how many we will put on. I can just see Grover trying to catch them. There were no reviews for this light, so we will see when it gets here what it's actually like.
Overstock, $209. No footboard, no headboard. Win-win. The reviews are positive overall, but there is concern about the center support legs. I guess we will have to be careful in putting it together. Adam said we can always add more support. (He aslo said we could build our own bed and I asked "when?" since we don't really have the free time).
So they will be ordered after we pay some bills this weekend. I'll update once they arrive.
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