I was at work (last day before spring break- woot woot!) so Adam was home for the delivery. Best Buy hauled the old ones away and my brother in law installed the dishwasher and oven on Saturday. I spent part of the morning yesterday unpacking the oven that was full of the grill plates.
Which happened to be tapped together AND to the rack. Who in their right mind wraps tape around the metal rack for the oven so much that it gets stuck on itself?
It's not like I could leave it! I had to scratch at it with scissors until I could get enough of a grip to peel it off. But that was the only hitch- I love the oven. Especially the five burners on top.
And possibly my favorite part is the griddle, mmm can you smell the bacon??
As far as the dishwasher and fridge go, they are standard and simple and as long as they work correctly I'll be happy. I wish, though, that the stainless front on each of them was not attached when it was delivered. Because when you peel the blue protective film off it gets stuck in the joints
I think I'll take a razor blade to it or something, but I don't want to scratch them.
Anyway, I am beyond happy with our new appliances. They look good, even from the living room.
Now imagine if only that wall was knocked down, or at least opened up wider... yeah... I'm dreaming of that possibility... *sigh*... Someday...
So, here are the before and after shots of the kitchen (and yes, that is the microwave on top of the fridge- we have limited counter space):
Have you made any upgrades to your place?
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