Here were the proposed painting options I found:

Since Home Depot was having a $5 off each gallon of Behr paint sale, I went and bought the necessary supplies:

It looked a little messy, but after sanding it was smooth.

And don't forget to wipe down all the dust that gets lefts behind

Then you're ready to paint. I used a brush for everything except the top of the table. For that I used a roller (side note, I forgot to use tape to get the fuzzies off the roller and it left some behind in the paint on the top of the table- oops). The table ended up taking two coats of paint and it looks good, so different than what it looked like before.
Oh and if you plan on doing a painting project and you have a little pet that likes to look out the windows, watch them closely! I thought I could trust Grover by being in the bedroom in between coats, I was wrong. Can you see his little foot prints?

I will post before and after shots when the chairs are painted. That should be interesting.

Good Job Diana! I think the foot prints are cute, lol. Good luck with the chairs. My moms table is black with a stained top.