The couches we have in our upstairs living room were actually my parents. We were lucky enough to get them when moving into our house because it gave my mom the free space to get new carpet installed and to buy new couches for their downstairs family room. We have their couch (a queen size sleeper, that you might fall through if you actually try to sleep on it) loveseat and chair. I know they are a little bigger than we need, especially since we don't really use this sitting area unless we have people over. We usually hang out in the basement. So anyway, with the exception of actually sleeping on the pull-out, the couches are in pretty good condition. The problem is I really don't like the plaid. My mom picked these out in the 90's, and they are just too country for me.

Instead of buying new couches/ chairs (Adam wants to wait until we have kids, they destroy the couches, then grow up enough to be responsible to care for new ones... i.e. let's wait 10-15 years to buy new ones) I decided to slip cover them. The problem with slipcovers is they are so expensive. The websites I found have slip covers for couches costing $120 +. I could not see myself paying that much and then maybe not even liking them.. I was also kicking myself because I think about 2 weeks ago Target had their slipcovers for $50 each. I did end up picking some up at Target, $60 for the couch, $50 for the love seat (they didn't have the chair cover in the same fabric, but I think we could do with a different color, cream maybe?)
Here's what they look like now (please excuse the mess)

I chose green because our walls, curtains, and rug are cream and cream slipcovers would be too much. Plus they would get dirty quickly. I didn't want brown (I actually kind of hate the color brown anyway) and green just seemed like a color that would work well in the space. Plus it's way better than the plaid. I just need to get new (or fabric to cover the) pillows, and figure out what to do with the chair (slip cover, or get rid of it all together). Adam is also thinking about rearranging, but I'd have to play around with the placement of everything on paper first or something.
What do you think? Comments/ Suggestions welcome!
They look good! They did not look like slip covers at first. It makes the room look less busy and more relaxing.